- In case of need of desire to overstay you are advised to contact the nearest foreign regional restoration office.
- it is advised to avail pre paid taxi/auto rickshaws or pay by meter or ask for fare chat.
- advisable to shop at government emporium/fixed price shop to ensure quality and reasonable price .
- please check power voltage before using electrical instruments,220/240V are available in most of the countries.
- keep your valuables in hotels lockers/safe deposit vaults.
- while checking into the hotels do ask for for the tariff if your are not booking through our company.
there is a considerable different in the off season and in the season tariff.
- always hire a government approved tourist guide who invariable carry an ID Card.
- Check about Photography permission at the monuments
- Change money only at authorized foreign exchange Outlets/banks/hotel and insist on receipt for money changed.
- International /National Telephone call are available at small outlet in all parts of the country with yellow sign board.
- for medical assistance contact hotel or accredited hospital/nursing homes.
- Observe local tradition/customs while visiting religious places.
- there is prohibition on liquor in a few state and cities. check details from nearest tourist office about the same.
- smoking not allowed in public places and vehicle in some states.
- shopping if fun. but do see beyond "Govt authorized" they are not Govt. approved shops but money changers.
Copyright 2006 Bodaiju Tours (P) Ltd. All Rights Reserved.